Our Team

Science Advisory Board

WICCI’s Science Advisory Board includes a diverse group of scientists and other experts from a range of disciplines who help ensure the credibility of WICCI efforts and products. The Science Advisory Board provides peer review and advises the WICCI co-directors and working groups from a scientific perspective.

NameTitle and affiliationEmail
Anna Haines (co-chair)Professor and Director, Center for Land Use Education, UW-Stevens Pointanna.haines@uwsp.edu
David MacFarland (co-chair)Program Supervisor, Wildlife Team, Wisconsin DNR (Rhinelander)david.macfarland@wisconsin.gov
Carol BarfordAssociate Scientist and Director, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, UW-Madisonclbarford@wisc.edu
Owen BoyleProgram Manager, Division of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Wisconsin DNRowen.boyle@wisconsin.gov
Abigail Derby LewisConservation Ecologist, Field Museumaderby@fieldmuseum.org
Ankur DesaiProfessor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, UW-Madisondesai@aos.wisc.edu
Hilary DuganAssistant Professor, Center for Limnology, UW-Madisonhdugan@wisc.edu
Jane ElderExecutive Director, retired, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Lettersjane@janeelderstrategies.com
Tracey HollowayProfessor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, UW-Madisontaholloway@wisc.edu
Richard LathropHonorary Fellow, Center for Limnology, UW-Madisonrlathrop@wisc.edu
Sandra MclellanProfessor, Human and Ecosystem Health, School of Freshwater Sciences, UW-Milwaukeemclellan@uwm.edu
Hannah PanciClimate Scientist, Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commissionhpanci@glifwc.org
Jonathan PatzProfessor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and Department of Population Health Sciences, UW-Madisonpatz@wisc.edu
Greg SassFisheries Research Program Supervisor, Wisconsin DNR (Boulder Junction)gregory.sass@wisconsin.gov
Bart SponsellerDeputy Administrator, Division of Environmental Management, Wisconsin DNRbart.sponseller@wisconsin.gov
Dan VimontProfessor, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences and Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research, UW-Madisondvimont@wisc.edu

Outcomes Advisory Board

WICCI’s Outcomes Advisory Board, a group of experts in policy, business, and regulation, help ensure WICCI’s research and work products are relevant to decision-makers and other stakeholders. The Outcomes Advisory Board recommends working group topics and evaluates WICCI work products from an impacts and adaptation perspective.

NameTitle and affiliationEmail
Christina AndersonAssociate Director, Wisconsin Land & Water Conservation Associationchristina@wisconsinlandwater.org
Paul DeLongAssociate Dean of Policy, Operations, and Engagement, University of Wisconsin Extensionpaul.delong@wisc.edu
Sean KennedyClimate and Resilience Policy Advisor, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resourcesseanp.kennedy@wisconsin.gov
Ally ScottDeputy Midwest Tribal Resilience Liaison, College of Menominee Nationascott@menominee.edu
Erick ShambargerDirector, Milwaukee Environmental Collaboration Officeeshamb@milwaukee.gov
Caitlin WilliamsonDirector of Conservation Programs, Natural Resources Foundation of Wisconsincaitlin.williamson@wisconservation.org

Coordination Team

WICCI’s co-directors and coordination team provide strategic leadership for the WICCI “network of networks.” The coordination team serves as a central point of contact and clearinghouse for information requests, provides day-to-day operational support, and manages WICCI communications and outreach activities.

Dominic Holt

Position title: WICCI Coordinator and Stakeholder Engagement and Policy Coordinator, Wisconsin DNR

Email: Dominic.Holt@wisconsin.gov

Sean Kennedy

Position title: WICCI Co-Director and Climate and Resilience Policy Advisor – Office of the Secretary, Wisconsin DNR

Email: seanp.kennedy@wisconsin.gov

Dea Larsen Converse

Position title: WICCI Communications Director

Email: larsenconver@wisc.edu

Steve Vavrus

Position title: WICCI Co-Director, Wisconsin State Climatologist, and Senior Scientist, Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research, UW-Madison

Email: sjvavrus@wisc.edu

Dreux Watermolen

Position title: Natural Resources Program Manager, Wisconsin DNR

Email: Dreux.Watermolen@wisconsin.gov