
The Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts is committed to public outreach to enhance our understanding of climate change and develop adaptation strategies to build our state’s resilience.

This page, including Spanish translations, was funded in part by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

Our Experts in the News

Working Groups in Action

Climate Wisconsin

A forest manager standing under a canopy of deciduous trees

Climate Wisconsin is an educational multimedia collection from PBS Wisconsin Education featuring stories about how climate change has impacted and will continue to impact life in the state.

PBS Wisconsin Education collaborated with Wisconsin educators and climate experts to update the information in the collection, create teaching guides for each climate story to identify actions that may impact changes to our climate, and provide additional materials from respected Wisconsin organizations.

See the stories


These presentations, a sample of the most recent by WICCI participants, are a window into the work of WICCI’s members and affiliates.

Climate Science and How it Informs Future Design Conditions

World Environmental and Water Resources Congress (May 2024)

Adapting our Infrastructure to Changing Rainfall – It’s complicated

UW-Madison, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, Weston Roundtable (December, 2022)

Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts 2021 Assessment Report

Green Bay Conservation Partners Virtual Spring Roundtable (May 2022)

Wisconsin’s Changing Climate, Impacts, and Adaptation Strategies

Wisconsin Land + Water 69th Annual Conference (March 2022)

Climate Trends in Wisconsin and Impacts on Agriculture

University of Wisconsin Extension (December 2021)

Adapting to a Changing Great Lakes Coast

Wednesday Nite @ the Lab (April 29, 2021)

The Effects of Earth’s Health on Human Health

Presentation by Jonathan Patz to the Spring 2020 Aquatic Academy (March 2020)